

【ドM専用】罵倒ASMRに、米国人声優が参戦!とにかく、魅力的! 日本のASMRの文化として確立された・・・あの罵倒ASMRに、アメリカ白人女性が参戦! 英語で、誘惑的に、罵倒され・・・・いじめられる!!!!! (※ドM専用のコンテンツになります。Mの性的嗜好のない方は絶対に買わないでください) 白人女性の魅力的な声で罵倒され、さらに英会話の学習教材にも!!!一挙両得!!! 国際SMプレイ!!!!! ちゅうわけで、よろぴくぅ〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 声優は AmeAfterDarkさんです!!!!!! (個人的にはゾクゾクっとするものがあり、オヌヌメ) 台本一部 ======================================== Oh, you’re a virgin! You’re really disgusting today! Why? Why are you still a virgin? Are you stupid? Huh? Huh? Do you know what you’re doing? Don’t you think you’re crazy? A nerd-friendly gal? What the hell are you thinking, I’m going to pickle you in a sandwitch. What are you thinking? Are you nuts? Why are you so... passive-aggressive, man? Hmm? What do you mean? How can you be so off your rocker? You can’t live like that. Shall I show you a close-up? This is a child’s drawing. Seriously, your elephant is too pathetic. How did you get like this? (sneers contemptuously) Well, it’s almost impossible for a potato like you to survive in the love market. And just to justify your inability to be liked by the opposite sex, you’re just saying, ’I don’t need a woman. A potato virgin. You can ’even’ eat a potato. You’re not even a potato. Come on, apologize to the potato. Hey, hey - wipe your tears just because I’m a woman and I’m getting this slur, you haven’t been trying hard enough. You’ve been trying in the wrong direction, haven’t you? I know what you’re going through. You’re always looking at the people around you, afraid to get hurt. You’re like a slug. Shall I throw salt on you? You look like you’re going to shrivel up. Ha-ha-ha-ha. You seriously piss me off to the point that I want to kick your ass. If I had a Javelin, I’d blow you away right here and now. I know how I feel. (Ha ha...) I have a crooked spine and a lack of confidence. You’re reluctant to change your lifestyle, and you don’t want to change. I’m a know-it-all, who only gleans knowledge from the internet, and doesn’t take action. They are not attractive. If you act, you will fail or get hurt, so you don’t do it. That’s how you became a virgin, right? No? Am I prejudiced? But your face really pisses me off. I really want to kick you. I want to kick you in the back. Apologize, right here, right now. (続きは本編で!)


童貞DIS【英語版】【アメリカ人・白人声優による、罵倒・お仕置き】 画像1




収録1本 (約8分)
ジャンル外国人 男性向け 成人向け ASMR 




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